
Who Do You Think You Are? - BBC Version  

Posted by Abba-Dad in

Yesterday during scanfest, some people said they were going to sadly miss several of the episodes of Who Do You Think You Are? starting March 5th on NBC. Aside from the funny comments about setting up a DVR or (yikes!) a VCR, I mentioned that if the show was popular enough someone will do us all a favor and upload it to YouTube. So I figured I would go search the site for some of the BBC episodes and found them all there broken up into several short segments.

I have to say that none of the names of the people on the show rang a bell except for Stephen Fry. So here's the entire episode:

I've read that the US show will be significantly different than this in format and length (a lot of wasted time on commercials and previews of what we're going to see after the commercials), but this gives us a flavor of what's to come.

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