So much going on right now
I don't even know where to start. I guess this will turn into kind of a to-do list.
1) Uncle Glenn sent his father's medals and they are amazing. I will put up a post shortly with some pictures and more stories. Apparently this was a swimming family, including Olympic trials.
2) The site is a hit with everyone. People are logging in, sharing information and updating the tree. I think this will be fantastic.
3) I've found a lot of similar (and rare) surnames in the site and I have contacted a lot of people with questions about possible family connections.
4) I've done a lot of work on the Smorgonski (paternal grandmother) and Kilchevsky (paternal grandfather) trees with the help of Eilat Gordin Levitan who runs the Dolhinov site.
5) I have been reading a lot of testimonies by my relatives from Dolhinov about their escapes, joining the partisans to fight the nazis (no freakin' way do I capitalize that word, no matter what spell-check thinks) and memories of their beloved town. I found the Yizkor book (online at the NYPL) where my grand-uncle Shlomo Shamgar wrote some beautiful chapters. I am going to try to do him justice and translate them and post them here and on the other sites (JewishGen and Eilat's site).
6) I found a not so distant cousin on my wife's side who was the Governor of West Virginia in the early 1990's. I will have a post about him as well.
7) And I have a bunch of photos I need to scan and tell stories about.
8) I backed up my blogs to WordPress after reading about one too many blogs being crushed by the Google empire.
So much to do, so little time.