
Getting the Family Involved  

Posted by Abba-Dad in ,

Yesterday, after receiving the package from Uncle Glenn and posting the picture of his father on the winning swim team, I called to thank him. We had a great conversation and I pointed him to the site to check it out. He in turn sent out an e-mail to his 'cuz list' inviting them to take a look and contribute any information they had in order to grow the tree and fill it with goodies. That got me thinking.

I had decided to upload my GEDCOM to Geni.com last week in order to check it out. The interface is pretty easy to use and the social networking capabilities are very user friendly. So last night I sent out invitations to everyone who's e-mail I knew. I will send out invitations to the 'cuz list' as soon as I can figure out who's who on the list (all I currently have are their e-mails).

I already got a few responses and people are generally very excited to join and contribute to the project. The Geni.com site is in its infancy so it has a lot of performance issues, but I think for our purposes it will work just fine.

If anyone reading this has any questions for me, just leave a comment.

This entry was posted on Sunday, August 24, 2008 at 10:32 AM and is filed under , . You can follow any responses to this entry through the comments feed .


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