Bad Blogger!
I have been slacking off from my blogging duties lately. Mostly because of vacation and work, but also because of a general malaise I think. Here's what's been going on lately:
1. I turned 40.
2. I spent Passover in Israel.
3. My mom arranged a surprise genealogy-themed birthday party and invited everyone in my Geni tree.
4. Part of the surprise was a video she produced for the event.
5. My wife snuck behind my back and got all our friends to participate in the video as well!
6. I published a children's book inspired by my grandmother Zipora Smorgonski. It's called 'Grandma Birdie's Red String' and you can buy it on CreateSpace or Amazon.
7. My wife wrote a book inspired by our daughter. It's called 'Nobody Likes Me' and you can buy it on CreateSpace or Amazon.
I have so much to write about. Just have to find the time.